

About Project ddadaal.me

2019-03-10 15:01:00 UTC+8
4 分钟阅读

Website Information

Build Status

ddadaal.me is a website designed and coded based on gatsby, without the use of existing website solutions like Wordpress, Typecho, Hexoetc. Any discussions and contributions to the repository are welcomed.

GitHub: https://github.com/ddadaal/ddadaal.me

A Personal Blog Odyssey

It has been a long way for ddadaal.me to be the one you are looking at right now. To see the epic journey that ddadaal.me, its predecessor VicBlog and I have been through since 2010, please check out A Personal Blog Odyssey.


Since 2016, ddadaal.me has been implemented several times with differences in technologies used and mostly the abilities I had during its implementation and maintenance.

Current Implementation


Started in August 2018 and written with Gatsby framework, the blog itself is now a static website.

It's neither frontend backend separation, since there is no backend dynamically retrieving and providing data to frontend, nor a traditional website in which the server receives requests, gets data, parses templates and then sends back to browser.

The whole website is fully implemented with frontend technologies. The WEBSITE itself is written with React, and the CONTENTS are written with markdown. During development and writting, the two parts are completely separated: no coding needed when writing articles; no markdown when implementing and modifying functions.

The two meet each other during build, when CONTENTS are interpreted and converted to JS objects, and then the data is provided into the WEBSITE via props. The WEBSITE program is executed and server rendered, resulting in valid HTML/CSS string, with which browser can display directly first screen without the execution of JS. The generated HTML/CSS files as well as the JS itself are then published to a server (currently GitHub Pages) , whose only responsibility is to provide these prebuilt static files directly to the client when requests arrive. This pattern is usually called prerender.

This implementation requires no calculation capability for the server, since all calculations are done during build, and the server only provides static HTML/CSS/JS contents, which enables efficient caching, easy maintanance and low (or no) costs.

The downside is that all contents are determined during build, therefore functions that need dynamic data, like comments and visitor statistics are not possible, unless dedicated servers or service providers are used and interoperated with APIs, like on a frontend backend separation website.

To implement comments, my choice is gitalk, which hosts comments on GitHub issues directly. For statistics, I deployed a matomo instance on a Tencent Cloud VPS, and injected a JS script into the website, which records user usage and sends them to the matomo serverI used CNZZ since it is free, hosted in China and is adaquate for me.

Lagecy Versions

React + ASP.NET Core SPA Second Version (Started in March, 2017)



It is a full-fledged SPA using React + MobX + TypeScript in frontend and ASP.NET Core + Entity Framework Core in Backend communicating with RESTful API and deployed on GitHub Pages and Microsoft Azure respectively. It contained all functions that I ever wanted in a personal blog before its EOL. It has learned from previous SPA version and been refactored for better readability, performance, maintainability etc. In the end, it has been discontinued for the efforts required to maintain both codebases and underwhelming performance. The aforementioned Gatsby-based static VicBlog and its successor ddadaal.me takes its place since August 2018.

React + ASP.NET Core SPA First Version (Started in Dec 2016)

Repos have been overridden by SPA second version.

It was the first time I started to write a frontend-backend-separated website using latest technologies like React + Redux + TypeScript + Ant Design, ASP.NET Core and RESTful APIs. It was deployed online after a one-month development. However, several severe problems (like disorganized codebase and architecture) were realized so that it was quickly abandoned and replaced by the second version since March 2017.

Flask (Started in Oct 2016)


It was the first time I started to write a full website on my own with only little understanding on web development. It used a easy-to-learn technology stack, Flask + MongoDb in backend and jQuery + Bootstrap in frontend, to achieve fast development. It went to live for months after development and dropped since SPA started to become mainstream.

The same repo contains other two branches containing the initial commits when learning React and ASP.NET Core.
